Your private, visuaL AI knowledge management system
Streamlined Investigations
& stories
Sifter • ResearcH
Streamline your Investigations and earn an income
from evidence
Build your research visually, assist in sourcing,
and get paid b audiences.
Get Informed from Investigators who
publish their sources
Gain access to the evidence of investigators, delivered directly to you via email newsletters.
Streamline Your Research Process
Streamline Your Research Process
Upload files from your local desktop. Or find them via open-source databases and public APIs.
Rapid search through pre-indexed, ordered files using OCR and natural language techniques to better manage raw data.
Aid in finding relationships between any entity, be it an organisation or person, as data is added, all assisted by AI.
While Utilising
Powerful interactive story-telling tools
Easily place interactive diagrams within articles as embeds. While also generating hyperlinks for info cards on people, places, and organisations within the research.
Generate from research interactive mini-sites of stories broken into episodes of videos, charts, maps, and timelines.
and publish among contrasting Perspectives
A blending of all news content in one place helps you gain a greater perspective. All stories built with rich interactive timelines, maps, and intelligent tagging.
with Crowdsource
Fact-checking is powered by crowd-sourced
evidence and peer-reviewed validation.